Your Baby: Happy & Healthy
Probiotics can provide your b aby with much-needed relief from colic discomfort. These probiotic strains support healthy digestion, reduce intestinal inflammation, and increase the absorption of nutrients, so your baby feels better.
Probiotics effectively soothe thrush in babies. In addition, the powdered form is beneficial for nursing mothers as they can directly apply it to their nipples during nursing, enhancing the comfort of breastfeeding.
Ear Infections
Probiotics prevent the grwoth of harmful bacteria that cause ear infections while building your baby's immune system.
Antibiotic Therapy
Antibiotics kill all bacteria, without distinguishing between the good ones and the ad. Giving your child probiotics replenishes the good bacteria in their body, so they can fight off future infections.
Infant Acid Reflux
Reflux is common in babies because their esophagus is not fully developed. Probiotics help fortify your baby's esophagus, causing less spit-up and vomiting.